Why embodiment.

Why embodiment?

I get asked this often, and my answer is always “ to live.”

To live an embodied life means connecting to all parts of ourselves. Not letting any feeling be left in the darkness but allowing it to be felt and loved.

We often tell stories or create false narratives about how we are feeling when, in reality, we are just feeling. Sometimes, feelings are pleasant, sometimes unpleasant, and sometimes just neutral.

By observing how we are feeling with the above words and allowing them to be felt and move, we are giving ourselves the gift of body-feeling awareness.

By practising this, we allow energy to move rather than storing it in the body.

My heart offerings all include embodiment practices because I want anyone who works with me to live a life full of feeling and abundance, a life full of self-acceptance and self-love, to know they are enough right now and are worthy of feeling and living.

What does embodiment mean to me?

In simple terms, it means connected and soulful living! It means being connected to the messiness of the human experience in all its colours.

To me that is beautiful.


Why embodiment.


My journey