My journey

I have always felt a magic pull to nature. The sense of belonging always washes over me. With each step, you become lighter. The quietness allows you to piece together the puzzle of daily chaos. After becoming a mother, I gained so much, but I also felt a massive disconnect, not just with myself but with nature. I thought I was no longer rooted. My primal self faded. The sensuality of my humanity slipped through my hands like sand. Two years passed, and the feeling of loss lingered. My mental health deteriorated, and my relationship with my body crumbled. Who was this woman? I was told I had PMDD, CPTSD, ADHD and depression. (ALL THE LETTERS ) I lost all sense of being. I was a ghost drifting along, feeling the distance; I was on another continent, howling to come home. Doctors medicated and I was on the road to having my ovaries removed. One day I looked at myself and thought “this can’t be it?” I looked at my daughter and felt so much love. I wanted to be fight to feel alive. I took a look inside and began my journey of self-exploration into trauma, somatic movement, embodiment and radical self-love.

I started listening to my body and her cues. I moved when she needed to and started living from the heart and intuition. One day, I was walking, and my whole being just wanted to be naked: To return to nature, rest and be held by the dirt. So I did. I stripped off and walked naked in the woods till I found somewhere safe that called to me. It was a fallen tree. I curled up in the fetal position and rested. I remember feeling like I had come home; Freedom, letting go, and acceptance surged through my body.

I continued exploring being in the woodland and wanted to document my personal experiences through photography. Nature became my sanctuary, a place to release. To feel safe when the rest of the world didn't. Over the months, I began to connect with my body. I started to feel my sensuality, my primal self-return. My confidence came back, and I started exploring other locations. Each place gave something unique. I gave thanks each time. We exchanged being and also became one. It was a Beautiful dance which I loved. I would meditate, write and draw. My inspiration came from the ground beneath me.

The above inspired my Embodiment Photography and my passion for movement. I began training in bio-dynamic meditation. I dived further into my embodiment and emotional alchemy. I was exploring my masculinity and femininity and how to create safety, to create space for the feminine to express. The more I follow this path, the more I wanted to hold space to help women reconnect with themselves and nature. To create safe containers where they can root and reconnect with themselves in mind, body and spirit. To be able to meet themselves with radical self-love and the tools to be with all their emotions. To delve into emotional alchemy and be witnesses and celebrated.

When I hold space I feel so honoured to share space with such courageous and brave women to give tools that every women can take into their lives to be able to meet themselves where they are with radical self love and acceptance.

I want to say a massive thank you to all the women I have shared space with, and a warm smile to the women I am yet to meet.

So much love to you all.


Why embodiment.