“Learning to love myself is something I have been longing for, for my whole life. I had been scared to, conforming to pressures bigger than myself and I felt the need for big changes.

Stevie reached out to me, knowing this, feeling this from me and and so I accepted her invitation to let go in nature.

The acceptance, realisation, surrender and love I received from myself in allowing myself to be vulnerable in nature has opened my soul to everything I've needed. Healing.

Stevie saw me.


Understood me.

No pressure, no fear, no expectations. Just relaxed alignment and love.

If you feel the call to go and be held by Mother Earth, listen in, answer to it, you won't be abandoned.”

— Hannah

Working with Stevie has been a joy and an experience of natural flow. I felt very comfortable throughout the process. From planning the photoshoots to being on location, she took care of my needs and listened to my input, which resulted in a wonderful collaboration and celebration of womanhood, and I am very happy with the photos we made together. Stevie provides professional and nurturing guidance, and very much helped my feel at ease in both solo photoshoots and group photoshoots. I would highly recommend working with her and look forward to working with her again! xxx”

— Martha

I felt impelled to write my testimony of my recent experience with Stevie ( feral flower ).

This was my first ever experience in front of a camera & having gone through a huge body transformation over the years , including birthing 2 , it was something I had always dreamed of doing.. but wasn’t sure if I could.

From our first exchange in conversation I felt instantly connected & welcomed into stevie’s safe space. She created a warm, empowering & calm place to discuss our vision together, my expectations & experience with a camera.

We made arrangements around our family commitments & I was so thrilled to meet such a warm & gracious soul!

Stevie talked me through our intentions, showed me some shapes I could create with my body & we went to a beautiful location in Devon.

We respected the undergrowth & natures wildlife throughout our photos & with each click & pose I felt more and more at ease.

By the end of our time together I could only express my gratitude to Stevie with a flood of tears & a hug! I felt so empowered & I had got my body back & it was mine!

My confidence was at the highest iv ever felt & my connection to womanhood was restored

I felt respected, safe, heard & the most feminine forest ethereal being to walk those woods that day!

It’s a day I shall treasure & remember forever.. not only in mind but with our beautiful photos we created together to celebrate us as woman

Thankyou Stevie”

— Ana