Mana Movement - Wednesday 11.45-12.45 @Space to Move ||

Mana Movement - Wednesday 11.45-12.45 @Space to Move ||

Mana Movement

Join Stevie this September to start your journey into Mana Movement.

Are you looking to connect deeply to your body?

To explore movement meditation?

To connect to your creativity?

To feel mental clarity?

Do you want a practice that helps move stagnant energy?

Are you ready to connect to who you are and feel more confident?

Then Mana Movement is for you!

Stevie will lead a transformative Mana Movement-guided practice. This practice flows through sequences of specific movement patterns, focusing on bringing non-linear movement into the physical body, such as circles, spirals, and waves. She also brings breath work and meditation into the practice, helping you feel connected to your body.

By activating the non-linear pathways in your physical body, you will also bring this flow system into your energy body, unblocking energetic stagnation and returning your energy body to a state of natural flow and a heightened sense of peace and presence.

Mana Movement promotes pelvic and spine mobility, which in turn promotes fluidity in one's body and life.

Where & Where?

Classes Will be held this September weekly from the Wednesday the 11th 11.45 am - 12.45 pm

Location: Space to Move in Plymouth

Payment Options

Pay as you go £10

Block Booking - 6 weeks @ £48 working out at £8 per a session.

Frequently ask Questions.

  • Your wonderful self and water.

  • Being comfortable is the most important. Lose fitting clothes or anything that makes you feel comfortable to move with ease.

  • Mana Movement is assessable to to all. I will guide you with care throughout and will give modifications throughout.

  • Bookings are non refundable both block and pay as you go.

    Block bookings are to be used within 2month period.

    If you miss a Mana Movement class and wish you join the shaking class this is absolutely fine.


  • If you were considering any body work / movement therapy or simply want to experience more flow and balance in your life , Id recommend Mana Movement . MM with Stevie. is a gentle, organic dance to the depths of your being , feeling into every spiral with presence and self love . The movements are soothing and gentle , embodying feminine qualities and suitable for beginners . Stevie holds your experience with grounded clarity , compassion and deep commitment. ✨

    Elma - Plymouth

  • Mana movement was a new concept to me and I was amazed by how wonderful I felt after this session. It is completely accessible for all abilities and being encouraged to have closed eyes throughout really helps you to connect to your body and its movement. Stevie was a wonderful facilitator, I cannot recommend this practice enough

    Chelsea - Yelverton

  • I felt at peace and in the moment. Stevie made me feel so comfortable and in my body at that time. I absolutely loved the mana movement. When she told us to give ourself a hug I cried. Powerful.

    Kayliegh - Plymouth